Poly-clip System Loops Clips Mix

Precautionary measures

Safely through turbulent times

Our Precautions Regarding Corona


Dear Business Partner,

Our customers always come first in all our considerations.

We, family entrepreneurs and management, took a variety of measures very early on after the first bad news from China, with the aim of providing you with a secure supply of clips and loops, spare parts and machines.

So we increased our stock of raw material for aluminium to 6 (!) months.

Furthermore, we have stocked up so extensively with parts for our machines that we will be independent of Chinese upstream suppliers by the end of the year.

Because we also have to fear that infected employees could affect the company, we have distributed the standard items you need among our warehouses available worldwide. The same applies to most of the spare parts.

This global decentralization of our warehouses for consumables such as clips and loops, as well as spare parts, ensures you the highest level of supply security.

Parallel to this, with exemplary support from our employee representatives and our employees, we have implemented a four-shift operation in the clip production area, in which the employees of the individual shifts do not meet each other and also do not use common toilets. The social rooms were closed, and canteen operations were reduced to a minimum.

Furthermore, the spare parts department was organized in two shifts. The employees in the offices work half-time in the home office and half-time in the company after two weeks. The remaining workstations in the offices have been moved apart so that employees can always work with a distance of two metres.

The spare parts department has also been organised in two shifts.

Staff working across departments were provided with protective equipment such as FFP3 masks. We had already purchased these as a precautionary measure as a result of a GAU exercise.

In addition, our employees were trained through information, signs and speeches to refrain from personal contacts and to communicate instead, even from one room to the next, by telephone or e-mail.

Also, weeks ago we purchased and installed disinfectant dispensers and sanitizers on a large scale. Also, employees are sent into quarantine at the slightest suspicion, with full pay, even without a doctor's certificate.

With all these measures, we have so far succeeded in preventing Corona-infected employees from being employed, which we certainly owe to the responsible and prudent handling of our employees.

With this letter we want to give you the confidence that you can rely on Poly-clip. We are aware of our responsibility to ensure, together with you, the supply of sausage products to the population.

Stay healthy and think positive!

Hattersheim a. M., 19.03.2020


Frank Niedecker                   Joachim Meyrahn